I just have to tell you about my Birthday! It was such fun! I really started early the Saturday night before. Daniel and Jose and I had some Margarita's and a Birthday Dinner! Really fun, my hubby missed it! Just visiting, sipping and enjoying eachother!!! I left there going home and thought...OMG I was going to go watch Leon at the Babylon. Quickly turned around and fled to the Tower in a hurry not to miss the band! (old age I guess) So much fun there with the guys and Ceniza! Then on Tuesday morning I started out by driving to Anaheim and Cindy and I went to HB for lunch, shopping and visiting Anthony's bench on the HB Pier. His life was suddenly taken 5 years ago, he was a real sweetie that we went to school with. Anyhow, the weather there was not even for real...January at 82 degrees right on the pier. It was beautiful! We had some beers and tears then finished the day with shopping and eating some giant cookies! Almost immediately following that we went to Chili's with Christin and some great friends.....old and new! Rosanna who is just part of the family and Debbie who is an old friend from High School. There are some funny "Debbie Stories" in our younger days...some of you may remember me telling you. (jose) We celebrated seeing eachother and toasted to my Birthday, and to 2009....the year Christin gets married. (you know, any reason to party, we're running with that one all year long!) WOW! Way too much fun. I went to bed early that night, wondering how I was going to feel for my big Disney day!
Well, it was no problem! Had a wonderful and terrific time there. It is the happiest place on earth you know. And it is even happier when 300 people tell you Happy Birthday ALL DAY! I was all over that! Oh, and the free part was pretty cool too! I loved everything of course, it is just all so magical and beautiful there, even riding rides in Toon Town! The train rollercoaster was FUN! Loved Space Mountain...and the weather there was 89 degrees on that day! Shorts and a tank! Picture to prove it! All good things must come to an end, unfortunately! But the memories are so precious. Thanks to all of you my beloved family of friends, I hope you all know how much I am blessed to have each one of you in my life.
Yay!!! Happy birthday again! Aren't Disney birthdays the BEST?! I'm going to do it at least fifty more times in my life!